Línea de Investigación:



Health Promotion on the Indigenous Peoples of Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam.

Investigador principal:

Héctor Rifà Burrull

e-mail: rifa@uniovi.es


Proyectos recientes:


Mass Media Exhibition on the Behaviour of the ethnic groups of Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam. Financia: Gobierno del Principado de Asturias. Colabora: Universidad de Oviedo, Royal University of Phnom Penh (2002).


Evaluation and Malaria Prevention in a Remote Area of Ratanakiri Province, NE Cambodia

Financia: Ayuntamiento de Oviedo. Colabora: Universidad de Oviedo, Royal University of Phnom Penh y Psicólogos Sin Fronteras-Asturias (Duración: Enero de 2002 a Enero de 2003). 


Evaluation of Malaria Prevention across the Cambodia-Lao PDR border (Ratanakiri and Attapeu provinces), (I.D.MVP/CAM/03/01). Financia: World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), Manila, Filipinas (Duración: Enero de 2004 a Enero de 2005). 


Trabajos recientes:


Rifà, H y Paz, D.

An application of the Williams y Lambert statistical test to the clasification of the South East Asia ethnic peoples (in Spanish).

Psicothema, 12(2), 413-417, 2000


Rifà, H.

Gender Observations of the ethnic groups of Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia. Proceedings of the Third Socio-Cultural Research Congress on Cambodia. Royal University of  Phnom Penh, Camboya. 2000.


Rifà, H.

Observational Methods and Visual Anthropology: an application to the indigenous peoples of South East Asia (in Spanish). In:  Proceedings of the VII International Conference of Research Methods on Social and Health Sciences. Madrid, España, 2001.


Rifà, H.

Behavioral Observations on the Jarai, Tampuan and Kreung ethnic groups in Ratanakiri province, NE Cambodia. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Khmer Studies. Royal University of Phnom Penh, Camboya. 2002.


Rifà, H.

Socio-cultural structure of the Cambodian indigenous ethnic group according with their gender and age: Implications on the design of Health Behaviour Education Programme on malaria Prevention.  In:  European Commission: Proceedings of the International Mekong Malaria Symposium. Siem Reap, Camboya, 2003.


Rifà, H.

Evaluation and Malaria Prevention in a Remote Area of Ratanakiri Province, NE Cambodia. Workshop on information for implementation of community-based malaria prevention and control with special attention on ethnic groups along the international borders in the Great Mekong Sub region (Yunnan, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia). WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, Chiang Mai, Tailandia, 2003.


Rifà, H.

Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP) and Observational Methods (in Spanish).  In:  Proceedings of the VIII International Conference of Research Methods on Social and Health Sciences, Valencia, España, 2003.


Rifà, H.

Observational Methods on Malaria Prevention.  In:  Malaria Research Coordination Meeting, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, Vanvieng, Laos, 2003.


Rifà, H.

Evaluation and Malaria Prevention in a Remote Area of Ratanakiri Province, NE Cambodia. Proceedings of the Sixth Socio-Cultural Research Congress on Cambodia. Royal University of  Phnom Penh, Camboya. 2003.