*The Design of Sampling Transects for google earth (rectangular transects) using SPSS 16.0. * Release 3.1. *Autors: F.J.Herrero,M.Cuesta y P.Fernández (2008) set decimal=dot. input program. *Writing head of kml file. WRITE OUTFILE='c:\Temp\gps.kml' /' ' / '' /'' /'GPS Sampling by SPSS 16.0 (Psychology Department of Oviedo University-Spain)'. *Transect numbers (you can change the number). loop #case = 1 to 3. * Observation Sampling Limits (you can change the limits). compute long=rv.uniform(-5.8563, -5.8383). compute lat =rv.uniform(43.3550,43.3640). *Writing points of kml file. WRITE OUTFILE='c:\Temp\gps.kml' /'' /'' #case (F3.0) '' /'' /'' long (F8.4) ',' lat (F8.4) '' /'' /''. end case. end loop. *Writing end of kml file. WRITE OUTFILE='c:\Temp\gps.kml' /'' /''. end file. end input program. * Points generated. list all.